Thursday, June 3, 2010

George Shultz and Grameen Bank's Muhammad Yunus

From People
When Grameen Bank founder (and Nobel laureate in economics) Muhammad Yunus was being introduced before his May 24, 2010, speech to The Commonwealth Club, the moderator had to pause her introduction as everyone in the auditorium noted the entrance of George P. Shultz. "How can I compete with George Shultz?" she joked, as the crowd welcomed the elder statesman.

Shultz, the former U.S. secretary of state, secretary of labor, economist, business leader, and all-around fixture in the San Francisco public policy scene, showed up to hear his friend give the inaugural address in The Commonwealth Club's new series, Social Entrepreneurship in America.

I took this photo following Yunus' speech, when he came down from the podium to greet his old friend.

(If the entire photo is not displayed, click on the image to see full picture in my Picasa "People" photo album.)
From People

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