Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Government Shutdown and Debt Ceiling Blues: Free audio

Here is the link to the streaming audio of my Week to Week political roundtable program from last night, with great panelists Lisa Vorderbrueggen, Josh Richman, and Debra J. Saunders. There was, as you'd expect, much talk about the parallel disasters facing us: Debt ceiling, government shutdown, Obamacare rollout, and BART strike.

People can also download it as a free podcast if they either go to their iTunes Store and search for "commonwealth club" or if they go to the iTunes web page.

Friday, October 11, 2013

Take My News Quiz and Win a Nobel Prize!

Did I say Nobel Prize? I meant win no prize. Typo. My bad.
Okay, this isn't even remotely what the
Nobel medal looks like; but that is a
copyrighted design, and this image is in
the public domain. It's a trophy. You get the

Nonetheless, take my latest Week to Week News Quiz on Huffington Post and see how much you know about the week's news. It's fun. It's short. Did I mention the prize?

Take the quiz

Friday, October 4, 2013

Where Fake Scientists and Beanie Babies Meet

What includes a government shutdown, beanie babies, and fake science?

Why, my latest Week to Week News Quiz on Huffington Post, that's what.

Take the quiz